Logistics and crisis: The supply chain system in the Po valley region


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[1]K. Marx, Capital, New York, Dutton&Co, 1957.

[2]Anna Tsing, Supply Chains and the Human Condition, in Rethinking marxism, 21/2, 2009, 148-176.

[3]Guattari F., Deleuze G., Mille Plateaux,1980.

[4]The reference is to Michel Foucault and is concept of ““circulating city” as a biopolitical urban milieu which regulate the flows”.

[5]This temporality is composed by different layers of the capital’s enhancement that capitalize on the cleavage between the half-run time of the financial digitization of the trades and the more slower and gunky time of the everyday strain.

[6]Conflicts that manage to combine radicalism and negotiation, production blockades and concrete dispute; able to go back up along the chains of subcontracts and identify the counterpart representing the first ring of that chain. We can see this phenomenon if we look at the geography of the logistic struggles: from the Milan Interporto to Padova, from Piacenza to Bologna and in Turin.

[7]That have finally demonstrated to being able to do networking, processes of self-organization that exceed the representative formulas and immediately practice their aim, the accumulation of won disputes that increase in speed and power the claim to income and dignity, a new political and social subjectivity that crosses and reciprocally infects the different conditions of the migrant and of the precarious, a radicalism hardly capturable and able to translate itself into conflictual practices immediately efficacious. At the very least, logistics’ routes are tracing new forms in the organization of space.

[9]Cobbe Luca, Grappi Giorgio, Primo marzo, percorsi di uno sciopero inatteso, in Mometti, Ricciardi, “La normale eccezione. Lotte migranti in Italia”, Edizioni Alegre, Roma, 2011, pp. 55 – 90.

[10] This part is mostly referred to some editorials of the website www.connessioniprecarie.org. Here the specific links: http://www.connessioniprecarie.org/2013/05/15/la-precarieta-delle-nostre-connessioni/  and http://www.connessioniprecarie.org/2012/10/22/la-concertazione-e-finita-per-una-discussione-su-sindacato-lotte-e-organizzazione/. A special thanks to Sean Patrick Casey.

[11]This section is based on some interviews taken with logistics workers.

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